Water Softener Services in Greece, NY

Don’t let your plumbing appliances, pipes, clothes and dishes fall victim to hard water. Call us for water softener installation and repair services in the Greece, NY area.

Have you noticed spots on your glasses and dishes? Has your hair just felt different lately? Is there buildup in your bathtub and sinks? Or calcifications around your faucets and showerheads? If so, then you might have hard water. One of the best ways to combat hard water is by having a functioning water softener. If you need water softener repair or installation, call Fischer Plumbing & HVAC for service in the Greece, NY area!

Are you ready for a new, updated bathroom? Contact us to learn about our bathroom remodeling services.

Benefits of Installing a Water Softener

Installing a water softener can have several benefits for you, your home, your appliances, and more. Some of the advantages can include:

  • Cleaner and shinier silverware and glassware.
  • Softer, smoother and cleaner hair and skin.
  • Less soap scum on showers and bathtubs, resulting in less house work.
  • Less usage of soaps and shampoos, as water that’s gone through the system can result in a rich lather, allowing you to use up to 75 percent less products.
  • Softer and brighter fabrics and clothing.
  • Longer lasting appliances such as coffee makers, ice makers, dishwashers and washing machines.
  • Reduced greenhouse gases equivalent to removing one SUV from the road for one year.


How to Maintain Your Water Softener

Once installed, water softeners don’t require a lot of ongoing upkeep. Some maintenance that needs to be performed on the systems can include:

  • Add rock salt on a regular basis. Most units have a light that will alert you when the system is running low on salt.
  • Clean the unit at least once a year.
  • Have a professional inspect the system on a regular basis to look for any potential issues.

Looking for an alternative to a traditional hot water heater? Learn about the advantages of installing a tankless water heater.

Signs You Have Hard Water

While hard water might seem like a harmless problem to have in your home, it can cause major issues for your plumbing system and appliances. To determine if you have hard water, the best option is to have it tested by a professional. You can also look for these signs:

  • Spots: Look for small, white spots on glassware or dishes after washing them.
  • Bottle test: Fill a plastic bottle halfway up with tap water. Put the cap on and shake the bottle. Then, dump out the water. Next, fill the bottle again and add a few drops of soap to it. Shake the bottle and look for suds. The longer you have to shake the bottle to get suds to form, the harder your water likely is.
  • Low water pressure: If you notice low water pressure from your shower head and faucets it could be due to a buildup of minerals that are clogging the fixtures.
  • Faded clothing: Watch to see if the colors in your clothing are fading, or are wearing out more quickly.
  • Irritation: Pay attention if your skin feels dry or your hair becomes brittle.

Hard water can cause damage to your pipes and appliances. Call Fischer Plumbing & HVAC today at 585-663-3917 for water softener services in the Greece, NY area.